Monday, November 5, 2007

My little pony

The weekend cardigan, minus her clasps, is done. Despite massive color bleeding when washed, I love the yarn. The color and the feel... it's wonderful. If I make this again I'll probably make a few mods, like holding on to the edge ribbing stitches for the neckline and picking up fewer neckline stitches. But overall I'm very very happy with it. I think my mother will be too...

Pattern: Weekend Cardigan by Ivete Tecedor
Yarn: Swish Superwash from KnitPicks - double stranded
Needles: Size 10
Colorway: Fired Brick

I've also cast on for my sister's CPH and made some pretty good headway. I've set myself a two week time limit to finish this sweater... should be more than enough, don't you think? Especially when you consider what I did yesterday...
The back piece is knit to the armholes. I am hoping to finish the back tonight and do the two front pieces this week. We'll see. I am going to the hockey game tonight (GO AVS!!!!) and I have music Tuesday and Thursday. It'll be a row here and a row there.

Everything else is plugging along. I picked up some adorable vogue sewing patterns this weekend. I think after Christmas I might pull out my sewing machine, dust her off, and make something pretty for myself. I've been leaning towards 50's style dresses lately... I realized this summer that hey - I have no summer dresses. Boo. This must be remedied. So what do you think? With a nice linen fabric maybe? Or cotton? I also picked up this for my neice... she's in the "heesee" phase and loves everything related. She's even got my little ponies... remember those? Yeah, me too. Funny.



Anonymous said...

Your sweaters are looking very pretty! The summer dress is too!

My youngest daughter loves My Little Pony too. I still have that MLP song running through my head. eesh.

Cecilia said...

Wow, I can't get over how fast you are! The sweater looks great! And you're zipping along on your CPH too. And you sew too! I'm so impressed. That is a super cute dress. I'll look forward to seeing your version of it.