Friday, April 6, 2007


Tsssssss. Sizzle!

Feelin hot hot hot! La la la la la la....

Weather is conducive to knitting... and this bad boy is keeping me nice and warm under all my layers of clothing. I retract my earlier statement about who needs a wool tank top - because... well, yeah. Colorado spring weather, folks.

So getting with the toasty and all, I sat on my couch last night and watched Pride and Prejudice (I finally caved and just bought the dang dvd set) and knit myself up something for the summer. It's still in progress, but here's a sneak peek...


Lisa said...


Anonymous said...

Oohhh...very hot...!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful tank top - I could do with one of those too in chilly Vancouver.

Asaknitter (

a friend to knit with said...

Love that! Can't wait to see what you are making!